7 Tips for Caring for Houseplants in the Winter

In this article, I will give seven tips for caring for houseplants in the winter. Houseplants bring life and vibrancy to our homes, but as the days shorten and the chill sets in, our leafy companions can face a struggle. Fear not, plant parents! You can help your houseplants thrive through the colder months with a few adjustments to their winter routine. Here are seven easy tips to keep your plant family flourishing all season. From maximizing sunlight to embracing their natural dormancy, we’ll guide you through creating a winter wonderland where your houseplants can stay happy and healthy.

Tips for Caring for Houseplants in the Winter

Tip 1: Increase Light

Shorter days and lower sun angles can leave your houseplants slightly light-deprived during winter. But don’t worry; you can become a winter sun guru with a few tweaks and keep your leafy friends thriving.

Why is light so important?

Like us, plants need sunlight to photosynthesize, which fuels their growth. They can become leggy, lose leaves, or struggle to produce new growth without enough light.

How to be a winter sun guru:

  • Become a window detective: Identify the sunniest spots in your home and relocate your light-loving plants there. South-facing windows offer the most winter sun, while east and west windows can also provide decent light.
  • Elevate your game (literally): Place your plants on plant stands or pedestals to bring them closer to the light source. Every inch counts!
  • Mirror, mirror on the wall: Strategically placed mirrors can reflect sunlight more profoundly into the room, indirectly brightening up those darker corners where some of your plants might reside.
  • Supplement with grow lights: Consider investing in LED grow lights, which mimic natural sunlight and provide a concentrated light source for your plants. This is especially helpful for plants that require a lot of light or for those who don’t have enough natural light available.

Remember: Rotate your plants regularly to ensure even growth on all sides.

Following these tips, you can help your houseplants soak up the precious winter sunlight and flourish throughout the colder months.

Read Also: The Best Watering Schedule for Houseplants

Tip 2: Be Mindful of Temperature

Our homes become cosy havens during winter, but cranking up the heat can leave your houseplants slightly out of sorts. Here’s how to strike the perfect temperature balance to keep your plant peeps happy.

Why is temperature critical?

Most houseplants prefer consistent, moderate temperatures, typically around 65°F to 75°F (18°C to 24°C). Drastic fluctuations or extreme cold can stress them out, hindering growth and making them susceptible to pests or diseases.

Become a temperature maestro:

  • Beware of drafts: Cold drafts from windows or doorways can be like icy blasts for your plants. Seal any leaks and keep them safe from frequently opened areas.
  • Find the heat sweet spot: While we love a toasty room, avoid placing plants directly next to heaters or vents. The dry heat can dehydrate them.
  • Nighty-night chills: Nighttime temperatures can naturally dip a bit. If it doesn’t stay below 50°F (10°C) for extended periods, your houseplants should be okay.

Pro tip: Are you feeling the chill yourself? Chances are, your plants are, too. Use your comfort level as a gauge for their well-being.

Maintaining a comfortable and stable temperature for your houseplants will help them feel at home throughout the winter.

Tip 3: Embrace Dormancy

Just like some animals hibernate in winter, many houseplants enter a period of dormancy. This natural state of slowed growth and reduced activity helps them conserve energy during harsher conditions. But instead of freaking out about your seemingly “lazy” plants, here’s why you should embrace their winter slumber party.

Why do plants go dormant?

Think of dormancy as a survival tactic. With shorter days and less sunlight, photosynthesis slows down. Plants reduce their energy needs by going dormant and protecting themselves from potential damage from cold temperatures or dry air.

Signs your plant is on a winter staycation: Slower growth, less frequent watering needs, and even some leaf drops are all typical signs of dormancy. Resist the urge to fertilize or force growth during this time.

How to support your plant’s winter nap:

  • Water less frequently: Since growth slows down, your plant will only need so much water. Overwatering during dormancy can lead to root rot. Water only when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.
  • Don’t stress about a little leaf loss: Some leaf drops are natural during dormancy, especially for deciduous plants. Don’t be alarmed by a few fallen leaves; it’s just your plant tidying up for winter rest.
  • Maintain comfortable temperatures: While dormancy allows plants to tolerate cooler temperatures, avoid letting them get too cold. Aim for a consistent temperature range, as mentioned in Tip 2.

By understanding and embracing dormancy, you can ensure your houseplants get the rest they need to return to vibrant life come spring.

Tip 4: Dust Off Leaves

Houseplants not only beautify our homes, but they also act as natural air filters, removing dust and toxins from the environment. However, winter’s dry air and less frequent dusting can lead to dust buildup on their leaves. Here’s how to give your leafy companions a breath of fresh air (literally) and help them function at their best.

Why is dust a problem for houseplants?

A layer of dust on leaves can hinder their ability to absorb sunlight, which is crucial for photosynthesis. This can lead to stunted growth and decreased overall health. Additionally, dust can clog tiny pores on leaves, making it harder for plants to take in carbon dioxide, another essential element for photosynthesis.

Become a dust bunny vanquisher for your houseplants:

  • The gentle touch: Regularly wipe down your plants’ leaves with a damp microfiber cloth. This will remove dust without harming the delicate foliage.
  • For delicate divas: Avoid using a damp cloth for plants with fuzzy or waxy leaves. Instead, gently whisk away dust particles with a soft paintbrush or makeup brush.
  • Shower power (optional): If your plant is small enough and manageable, give it a gentle shower to remove dust and debris. Please place it in the bathtub or shower stall, cover the soil with a plastic bag to protect the roots, and rinse the leaves with lukewarm water.

Bonus tip: Regularly dusting your houseplants benefits them and improves the overall air quality in your home. It’s a win-win!

Tip 5: Forgo Fertilizer

We all love to pamper our houseplants, and fertilizer is a standard tool to promote healthy growth. But during winter, when most plants take a break from active growth, fertilizing can do more harm than good. Here’s why it’s best to give your leafy companions a winter “fast” (not a pretty fast, but you get the idea).

Why hold off on the fertilizer?

Remember how Tip 3 mentioned dormancy? During this time, houseplants slow down their growth and metabolic processes. They don’t need the extra nutrients that fertilizer provides. Fertilizing a dormant plant can be like giving it a complete meal when napping on the couch.

The not-so-rosy side of winter fertilizing:

  • Root burn: Excess fertilizer salts can build up in the soil during winter when watering is less frequent. This buildup can damage or even burn the roots of your plant.
  • Forced and unwanted growth: Fertilizers can stimulate new development, which is counterproductive for a dormant plant. This forced growth can weaken the plant and make it more susceptible to pests or diseases.

So, what can you do instead?

  • Focus on the basics: Provide your plants with adequate light, consistent temperature, and proper watering (which will be less frequent during dormancy). These are the key ingredients for keeping them healthy during winter.
  • Wait until spring: Once spring arrives, days become longer, and you see signs of new growth, you can resume fertilizing with a diluted solution according to the package instructions.

By holding off on fertilizer during winter, you’ll avoid stressing your plants and allow them to conserve energy for a vibrant spring awakening.

Tip 6: Vacation with Ease

Are you planning a winter getaway? Don’t let your houseplant family hold you back! With some preparation, you can ensure your leafy companions stay happy and healthy while you’re soaking up the sun elsewhere.

Pre-vacation prep:

  • Water deeply: A good soaking a few days before your trip will help the soil retain moisture for longer. Avoid overwatering, though, as soggy soil can be detrimental.
  • Grouping is good: Cluster your plants together to create a mini-humid microclimate. This helps conserve moisture and reduces leaf transpiration (water loss).
  • Delegate with confidence: If you are gone for an extended period, consider asking a trusted friend or neighbour to check on your plants and give them a quick watering. Clear instructions and a spare key can go a long way!

Low-maintenance heroes for the win:

  • Pick the perfect plants: Some houseplants are naturally more forgiving of neglect. Succulents, ZZ plants, and snake plants are all known for their drought tolerance. Opt for these low-maintenance varieties if you know you’ll be away for a while.
  • Self-watering solutions: Consider using self-watering pots or placing your plants in trays filled with pebbles and a shallow layer of water. As the water evaporates, it will create a humid environment and help keep the soil moist for longer.

By planning and taking advantage of these tips, you can enjoy your winter vacation with peace of mind, knowing your houseplants are well cared for. They’ll wait patiently for your return, ready to continue adding life and beauty to your home.

Tip 7: Accept Leaf Loss

As winter settles in, you might notice your houseplants dropping a few leaves here and there. Don’t panic! In many cases, this is a natural part of their life cycle, and accepting some leaf loss is critical to maintaining healthy plants throughout the colder months.

Why do houseplants lose leaves in winter?

  • Less light, less need: With shorter days and decreased sunlight, plants naturally reduce their overall foliage. This helps them conserve energy and resources otherwise used to maintain those leaves.
  • Dormancy defence: Remember dormancy from Tip 3? Leaf loss can also be a strategy employed by plants during dormancy. Shedding some leaves minimizes the water they need, reducing the risk of dehydration during winter’s dry conditions.
  • Natural renewal: Just like we shed old skin cells, plants naturally shed older leaves to make way for new growth in the spring.

When to worry, when to let it be:

  • A little goes a long way: The occasional leaf dropping is nothing to be concerned about. However, if your plant is losing leaves rapidly, browning at the edges, or dropping entire stems, it could be a sign of underwatering, overwatering, pests, or disease. Further investigation is needed to identify and address the underlying issue in such cases.
  • Pruning with a purpose: If leaf loss mainly affects the plant’s lower parts, you can snip off the brown or yellowing leaves to improve their overall appearance. Use clean, sharp pruning shears and avoid cutting into healthy green stems.

Embrace the cycle of growth and renewal:

Understanding that some leaf loss is a natural part of a plant’s winter routine can help you avoid unnecessary worry. By accepting this seasonal change and providing proper care, you’ll set your houseplants up for a successful comeback in the spring, with vibrant new growth to replace any winter losses.


Should I keep my houseplants in the same spot all winter?

Not necessarily! As sunlight weakens in winter, relocate your light-loving plants closer to windows for maximum sun exposure.

Is it okay if my heater blows directly on my houseplants?

Avoid placing plants directly next to heaters or vents. The hot air can dehydrate them.

Should I fertilize my houseplants during winter?

Hold off on fertilizer! Most houseplants are dormant in winter and don’t need the extra nutrients. Once spring arrives and new growth appears, fertilize with a diluted solution.

I’m going on vacation. Will my houseplants be okay?

Yes, with some planning! Water them deeply before you leave, group them for humidity, and consider self-watering pots or a shallow water tray with pebbles for extended trips.

My houseplant is losing leaves in winter. Should I be worried?

Don’t panic! Some leaf loss is natural during winter as plants conserve energy. However, rapid leaf loss or browning could indicate other issues, such as underwatering, overwatering, pests, or disease. Investigate further if these signs appear.


Winter doesn’t have to be a gloomy time for your houseplants. Following these simple tips, you can create a winter wonderland where your leafy companions thrive. From maximizing light to embracing their natural dormancy, you’ll be a pro at keeping your houseplants happy and healthy all season. Remember, extra care goes a long way in ensuring your plants survive and even flourish during the colder months. So, embrace the winter foliage shuffle, and watch your houseplants reward you with vibrant new growth come sp

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My Name Is Hafeez. I am from Qasba Gujart Pakistan. I Started this website so that i help you to choose Ever Best Plants For Your House Suits

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